New home battery promotion
Published: September 7, 2023
Unleash Your Solar Potential: Don’t Let Your Energy Slip Away!
In Scotland, countless households boast solar panels adorning their roofs, yet the majority miss out on the energy they generate due to the absence of a vital component: a battery. Picture a sun-drenched day you’re at work or out for the day, your solar panel system is in full swing, generating surplus energy, but without a means to capture it, that precious power flows back into the grid, lost forever. Then, when evening arrives and you’re back home, left footing the bill for the energy you could have captured.
But wait – there’s a perfect solution – a storage battery! We can equip your existing solar setup with a cutting-edge battery and inverter combo in just two hours flat.
You see the game changes once a battery enters the scene. Suddenly your solar PV system transforms into a lean, mean, energy-saving machine. With MCH Solutions at your side, that energy you were once losing is now yours; captured in your storage battery. Homeowners with bare solar panels typically save a 10% cut in their energy expenses. But introduce even a modest 3kw battery, and watch in awe as those savings skyrocket – up to a staggering 80%!
The path to supercharging your solar system starts here. Seize the day, seize your energy – upgrade to battery storage with MCH Solutions.

Unleash Your Solar Potential: Don’t Let Your Energy Slip away!
Add battery storage to your Solar System
Save up to 80% on your energy bill today!
Ph: 0131 581 5452
Do you have solar panels on your roof but have no storage battery?
Picture this: a sun-drenched day and you’re at work or out for the day, with your solar panel system in full swing and generating surplus energy. Without a means to capture it, that precious power flows back into the grid, lost forever.
Then when evening arrives and you’re back home, left footing the bill for the energy you could have captured.
Seize the day, seize your energy – upgrade to battery storage and save up to 80% on your energy bill.